The Austerity Program

Nonagon to SF, the Austerity Program's LP drops 6/17.

Nonagon is playing the first ever West Cost PRF BBQ on Saturday, May 3 @ Leo's in San Francisco.  Should be a preeeeetty amazing event, with Kowloon Walled City, Eugene S Robinson, the Gary, the Tunnel and others.  

Tickets available here.

And the new Austerity Program record, Beyond Calculation, will be out 6/17.  More news on that in a bit, but if you live in/near Boston (4/26), Providence (4/27) or Brooklyn (5/7), you can go see them in the days ahead.  The Shows page has all the details.


What Do We Have Here?

Austerity Program New Shipment

Look at what arrived at CBR's shipping department this week. If you guessed Time Life Books' 28 Volume Series: The Civil War you would only be partially correct. That's coming next week. What we have here is The Austerity Program's record entering the final stages before its upcoming release. Soon.

Controlled Burn is Live.

Okay, we lied.  Or Robert did.  Let's just say that Robert lied and be done with it.  Because we didn't really launch the label until today.  (If by launching the label you mean telling everyone about a website, because that's what we are doing and that's what we mean by that.)

While we've been pulling together this whole label adventure together, we've each been doing work on our next release.