Author: Robert

CBR Store Is Live

Okay, everybody just calm down! The Controlled Burn Records Web shop is back up and running. Our shopping cart has been completely revamped, so, if you have bought directly from us in the past, your old login credentials will not work anymore. Never fear, the new shopping cart is much easier to navigate and use.

That said, everything here is new to us too. Please be patient as we work out the kinks. If you have any issues, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Welcome to the New Controlled Burn Web site

We have just revamped everything at this site and are slowly coming back on-line. The store will be up soon, as will some big announcements.

Unfortunately, we have had to completely scrap our old Web site. If you have purchased from here in the past, your old account along with your order history is gone. Sorry about the inconvenience, but the new shopping system is going to be a lot better as soon as we get it completely set up!

What Do We Have Here?

Look at what arrived at CBR’s shipping department this week. If you guessed Time Life Books’ 28 Volume Series: The Civil War you would only be partially correct. That’s coming next week. What we have here is The Austerity Program’s record entering the final stages before its upcoming release. Soon.